King James Academy (9-16), is a through school formed from the amalgamation of two middle schools and an upper school in 2019. Since 2020 it has been part of the Diamond Learning Partnership Trust. We are proud of our through school and firmly believe it is our core mission to provide high quality education for the young people in our community; 'inspiring excellence, building character'.
We are dedicated to high quality professional development and there are opportunities for further progression within the Diamond Learning Partnership Trust. At King James, you can expect a supportive culture within a Trust with very high aspirations. We value our staff and there are many development opportunities within the Partnership.
The Diamond Learning Partnership Trust consists of fourteen schools, across Cambridgeshire, Peterborough and North Hertfordshire who work closely together to provide the best possible learning experience for our learners. Royston is a market town with good facilities, within easy reach of Cambridge and Stevenage and with excellent transport links to London.
If you are interested in working in our school and wish to arrange an informal visit or have enqueries about the application process please contact Mrs Tracey Sell on
We are committed to safer recruitment. All appointments are made subject to satisfactory Enhanced DBS, qualification and pre-employment checks.