Welcome to the SEND page. At King James, we recognise that a number of our students and staff have individual needs when using school and facilities. However, we also recognise that for some students, the nature of their disabilities may mean that they experience specific difficulties related to accessing education, and the physical environment.
As part of our ongoing commitment to the delivery of an inclusive education, we will endeavour to ensure that students with special educational needs or disabilities receive a consistently high standard of education. We are proud to be an inclusive environment. We welcome and include pupils with a range of learning, social, emotional, communication and physical needs and disabilities to our school. Acceptance, inclusivity and understanding of SEND are key.
We work hard to get to know every child in our care and identify SEND through a range of effective assessment tools and approaches. We believe in early identification of need and do not need to wait for a formal diagnosis to enable children to access the support they need. We are a strong, experienced team that seeks the views of children, parents and other professionals. We run a range of specific, targeted and effective interventions but believe that children are best supported by outstanding classroom practice and quality first teaching. We want every child to reach their potential and aspire to support children and their families in diminishing barriers to achieving this.
Which staff are in the SEND team?
Lead SENDCo: Mrs Witty
Assistant SENDCo (Years 8-11): Miss Williamson
Assistant SENDCo (Years 5-7): Mr Norris
SEND Administrator: Mrs Iles
SEND & Pastoral Coordinator: Mrs Gill
How can I contact the team?
Please send an email to:
What do I do if I have a specific concern about my son / daughter at school?
If you have a specific concern about your child then their tutor is always the first point of contact unless they have a key person. You can get a message to their tutor / key person by emailing
Where can I get further support?
The link at the top of this page will take you to our SEND padlet which has numerous resources to explore.
Please also find further information on Hertfordshire's Local Offer
Can I expect my child to have their own TA?
We do not offer 1:1 TA support. In the extremely rare circumstances where a 1:1 TA is provided, this is funded entirely by the Local Authority for pupils with exceptionally high needs.
Where can I find a copy of the SEND policies?
See the links below. You can also review our policies to support access arrangement on the left hand tab. Please note support as pupils rise through King James Academy is given as the need arises. However, when pupils get to their GCSEs pupils are only able to access certain types of support if they meet the externally set criteria. More information is given on the Access Arrangements tab on the left.