Welcome to the Parents section of the website where we have endeavoured to include all the information you will need to support your child while at King James Academy. Use the left hand menu to explore the different tabs.
We have chosen to add a Pupils section to encourage our pupils to take responsibility for making sure they have the right equipment, uniform and are punctual to school each day.
You may also wish to consult the About us, Key Information or the Remote Access Links tabs where other useful information is provided.
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Frequently Asked Questions
1. Where can I find out what uniform my child will need and where I can purchase it?
Our uniform expecatations can be found here.
We have taken a number of steps to reduce the costs of our uniform. Parents are able to buy non-branded items, purchase a badge and we hold regular second hand uniform sales.
The sole uniform supplier for King James Academy Royston is Schoolyard, Units 1&2 RO, 24 Jarman Way, Royston SG8 5FE
Tel: 0800 132988
Open 7 days a week: Monday–Friday 9:00am-5:00pm
2. What should I do if there is a problem with my child’s uniform or PE kit?
Please email the school office, and a message will be sent to the appropriate staff.
3. Can my child wear religious dress?
Yes, please write to the Headteacher to request an appointment to discuss wearing of religious dress.
4. How can I help my child to avoid losing items of their uniform?
You should write your child’s name clearly in black permanent pen on every item of their uniform, including their PE kit. The uniform provider, Schoolyard, offer an embroidery initial service onto PE kit.
5. Can my child wear jewellery?
Years 7 - 11:
A wristwatch and one plain stud in each ear may be worn on the lower lobe. No other jewellery (including facial piercings of any kind) is permitted.
Make-up, where worn, should be light and hair styles/colours should be suitable for a professional work place and not be extreme. Nail varnish may be worn but should be removed for Food Technology lessons for health and safety reasons.
Years 5 - 6:
Jewellery - Watches are the only form of jewellery permitted, including ‘Fitbits’ ™ that monitors health only. ‘Fitbits’ ™ that receive communications are not permitted.
Ear-piercing - Parents and Carers are requested to arrange for children who wish to have their ears pierced during the academy year to have this done at the beginning of the summer holiday so that the pierced hole will heal during the holiday period and the earring(s) can be removed before the child returns to academy in September.
We do not allow students to wear earrings at any time, including when they have recently had their ears pierced.
No other body piercings are allowed. We operate this rule to protect the health and safety of our students.
6. Can my child wear make-up?
Years 5 and 6 are not permitted to wear make-up, nail varnish or acrylic nails. This is the expectation across of the Trust schools.
Years 7 to 11 may wear make-up and nail varnish, which must be modest and discrete. Lipstick, false eyelashes and acrylic nails are not allowed.
7. What happens in hot weather with ties and blazers?
All students will be expected to wear their ties and jumper / or blazers (depending on year group) to and from school. The Headteacher will decide whether students can remove their ties / blazers inside the classroom if the weather is exceptionally hot.
8. What will happen if my child is in the wrong uniform?
If there is a genuine reason for this please send a note or email your childs Tutor (Teacher for years 5 & 6). If there isn't a reasons for this then in line with the King James Academy Behaviour Policy your child will be issued with a “consequence”. As a school we wish to be inclusive to all families, so if your family is experiencing hardship please do make contact.
9. Are there expectations for how pupils cut their hair?
Haircuts should look smart and not follow extreme fashion trends which draw unnecessary attention to the student. For health and safety the wearing of hair braids or beads is not recommended. For PE and Science, long hair should be tied back.