Uniform & PE Sportswear
We reviewed our uniform in 2021 following the DfE publishing guidance on the cost of school uniforms. Whilst we want our pupils to be smart and ready for the world of work, we recognise that the expense of school uniform and PE kit can mount up. We have therefore made several changes which enables parents to purchase non-logo items and then purchase a badge separately.
If your child is in receipt of FSM or has been in the last 6 years there is limited support towards these costs through the pupil premium. The pupil premium should be spent on activities which will increase the attainment of these pupils, but we recognise that the annual outlay for uniform is expensive and so we can make a contribution towards the overall cost (see Pupil Premium page here to find out who to contact).
Haircuts should look smart and not follow extreme fashion trends which draw unnecessary attention to the student. For health and safety the wearing of hair braids or beads is not recommended. For PE and Science, long hair should be tied back.